#AH fic
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 months ago
[explaining tumblr friendships to outsiders] well, you see, when you know each other's porn preferences, it really creates a bond
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lapdogchase · 2 years ago
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liketolaugh-writes · 5 months ago
On another topic altogether: what if most ghosts have casual, short answers that they usually give to people who ask how they died?
Like, a lot of fics (DPxDC in particular) have ghosts instantly losing their minds when someone asks about their death. It's not just normal rude, it's Magical Rude. But realistically, people usually have a way of dealing with frequent invasive questions. (See: amputees and people with obvious scarring.) Not to say those questions should be asked, don't fucking @ me, but they have a way of dealing with them.
So Box Ghost throws his arms up and says, "OSHA VIOLATIONS!" and then leaves.
Desiree snorts and says, "Men."
Johnny says up front, "Got in a motorcycle accident. Always wear a helmet, kid." Kitty just gestures to Johnny. They died together.
Walker explains the exact prison riot he died during, how two convicts overpowered a guard and then took over the armory. Doesn't say exactly what happened to him.
Danny, he says "It was a lab accident." (Though Danny may be more used to explaining his death in detail, since there's no way to explain what he is except exactly, in graphic detail, what happened to him.)
Ember likes to share the details. It makes people sorry they asked.
Some won't talk about it at all, of course. Lunch Lady (who starved during the Depression) doesn't. Technus (heart attack) shrugs the question off. Spectra (domestic violence) laughs in your face. Youngblood (Oregon Trail bullshit) makes things up. Vlad will actually punch you right away, but he's no shining beacon of mental stability.
But for the most part, you get one tense pass.
It's when you press for details that you're asking to get got.
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spadillelicious · 7 months ago
So Sun is taking us home,right?
Oooor did he knew from the very beginning of their friendship and reader just told him where they lived in case of an emergency.
Oooooor I am just missing something.
Either way I am intrigued in whatever story you're going with.
But you know what? I'd be kinda funny if he didn't knew the location and then realized he has no fricking idea in hell where to go💀
I'm imagining it went more or less like this after Chapter 15:
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He had no idea. (Luckily he managed to shake you awake for long enough to mumble your adress. You don't remember this happening though.)
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pastelshroomsbasement · 1 month ago
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This kind of QiJiu fic is so special to me, ITS FUNNY AS HEELLLL
from https://archiveofourown.org/works/62298721?view_adult=true
When Is A Monster Not A Monster? by ParueCake (MiraEyeteeth) in AO3
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thursdaysyme · 2 months ago
what if i wrote a de-age fic but it's morgana trying to kill arthur and she messed up the spell somehow so now instead of a dead king she looks down at her five-year-old brother standing in the dirt
Morgana: what the fuck why are you so small
Arthur, sneering with gap teeth: why are you so dirty? forget bath time?
Morgana: oh my god i don't think i can go through this again
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fangirlingpuggle · 12 days ago
A very very dumb Apothecary diaries AU where Lakan checks in on Fengxian before he leaves finds out she's pregnant. She can't go with him or marry him yet but instead while he goes abroad to study she stays with Luomen helping him set up pharmacy after he's cast out from his family.
She and Lakan stay in regular contact through letters, both of them gushing over letters only for someone top look over their shoulders and see letter is only a move in go They're playing long distance each letter is just the next move. At least until Maomao is born the Fengxian includes scribble drawings Maomao does or hand prints...Lakan office and room are full all walls covered in them.
The two reunite and although they live with La clan and Lakan gets headship but they still visit Luoman and the visit Verdigris house (Madame still hastes Lakan but they send good business recommending them to high ranking officials). So Maomao still has her big sisters and still learns about medicine and poison from Luomen.
She still tests on herself , Lakan freaks out but Fengxian trusts her daughter just makes sure they have plenty of antivenom and antidotes ( Basically every room in the LA family state has an emergency draw for if Maomao has had poison again)
Maomao doesn't get kidnapped, she ends up in rear palace because consort Ah-Dou she can see that Lishu is struggling she can't intervene or protect her within her own court so she contacts Fenxian who she's met at functions other the years.
Ah-Dou- Fengxian you have a daughter correct. Is she as terrifying as you?
Fenxian: Of course
Ah-Dou: May I please request a favor?
Maomao enters Lishu's court not as a noble but as a lady in waiting (and the food tester, it's how she agreed to it)
Maomao: Do I really need to go into court I want to make medicine
Fengxian: You will be testing food for poison
She of course see's the bullying in the court and instantly Nopes, she does totally overhaul terrifying Lishu's ladies in waiting and getting rid of them, she spends time around other servants and ends up recruiting other servants as new ladies in waiting ones who will actually care for and protect Lishu. Full big sister Maomao mode with Lishu.
She keeps an eye on other departments dressing as a maid while moving around to avoid suspicion and still see's the confrontation between Gyokuyo and Lishu and sends the messages with torn dress (She didn't get chance to change and couldn't go into their pavilions in her lady in waiting clothes)
She gets dragged in the room with other maids also, she kinda gets stuck and pulled in and meets Gyokuyo having to admit so sorry can't be your lady in waiting already Lishu's. Jinshi suddenly puts together about the totally change in ladies in waiting and promotion of other servants. Jinshi is very curious but Maomao is able to divert attention.
Gyokuyo still wants to see Maomao and so she moves between both her and Lishu and gets Lishu to spend more time with Gyokuyo the two getting along well.
She also helps Lihua as before and then she is basically going between 3 of them and the 3 consorts spend time together... Lihua and Gyokuyo figure out who Moamao is but they're not saying they want to keep Maomao around and also they are all shipping Jinmao and enjoying watching this soap opera.
The banquet happens but Maomao is of course Lishu's food tester not Gyokuyo's but none of the old ladies in waiting are there to bully Lishu and swap bowls so Moamao still gets poison. (She 100% tried to get to test food for all 3 consorts ... they didn't let her)
Lakan still trolls Jinshi because he's seen letters Ah-Dou and others sent Fengxian keeping her updated and is suspicious about Jinshi and his precious daughter. (Fengxian and Jinshi are planning the wedding already)
When Maomao is still dismissed after the poisoning is revealed and Jinshi is super upset and sulky until fancy banquet and high ranking personnel and then sees Maomao again as daughter of head of La clan...
Maomao: I suppose you are upset than I hide my identity
Jinshi:Yes very upset (he says hypothetically ignoring looks he is getting form the emperor and Gaoshun)
She still comes back to rear place (The consorts missed her so much... plus they have a betting pool... a lot of people are in it Fengxian has a board plotting moves so the 2 get together when she's bet...while Lakan is pouting in corner that no one deserves their baby girl)
(Light Novel spoilers
Lahan is raised as Maomao's brother and adores his sister, the two are chaos gremlins her making medicines and him plotting how to self and market them
He is also adored by Verdegris house the beloved little brother... also everyone is pretty sure he and Maomao are twins they know there was only 1 baby but... they're sure the 2 are siblings.
The madame also adores him both coming up with schemes for money and he happily does the accounting when they visit (they're sure he's her favorite)
When Jinshi sees them together before knowing they're related he thinks the 2 might be a couple, Gaoshun is face palming and despairing while the courtesans are losing it laughing)
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kazehita · 11 months ago
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If I were not myself, would this be easier? (ao3)
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dreamyluigi · 3 months ago
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some doodles based on this fic by @roscolate ;w; because holy shit this tore me apart, my heart ached then exploded it's so good
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redroses07 · 10 months ago
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real shit
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pilkypills · 4 months ago
Reading early chapter fic scenes where the dwarves don’t trust Bilbo and exclude him always makes me SO irrationally sad
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Its your Bilbo…….. don’t you know your Bilbo………
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horsegirlsodapop · 2 months ago
arg! the outsiders fandom should all collectively talk more about poverty! ah! talk about cps. talk about food stamps talk about government cheese talk about stealing and not in the fun way talk about fear of going hungry talk about the reason the gang is a gang and not just a friend group. um. talk about dallas living in buck merril's like spare room talk about soda giving up his paycheck to darry so they can stay together talk about MORTGAGE talk about the vietnam war and poverty and enlistment and the draft! ah! talk about the class divide! talk about debt! talk about how darry could never "go soc" because no matter his skill in football or the way he wore his hair he could never rise above his socioeconomic class enough to be considered one of them! talk about paul holden punching him in the face! talk about county lock up! talk about police brutality! talk about pony craving escape!
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 months ago
Jaegyeon Na x Reader: Car Policy
G/N. Fluffy. Masterlists
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Jaegyeon has a crush on you.
Him taking you for car rides isn't anything new. He uses it as a chance to show off his car (mid) and his driving skills (also mid).
But when he offered to take you through the drive thru to pick up some coffee, that was when you developed an inkling.
It comes as no surprise that Jaegyeon has a no eating or drinking policy when it comes to his precious car. You had sat in that rust bucket in the middle of summer, thirsty and dehydrated, sweaty from the lack of air conditioning and Jaegyeon never wavered on this policy and allowed you a sip of water. In fact, he started yelling about you getting said sweat all over his seats.
What a charmer.
Either way, you aren't going to pass up a chance to score some free coffee.
You say yes and slurp happily in the passenger's seat, ignoring Jaegyeon side-eyeing you each time.
"You-" Jaegyeon gulps and looks away, "you can finish that in the car."
Your eyes grow wide as saucers. "Really?"
He gives you a brief nod.
You and your gluttony. The street foods of Seoul tempt you and you are often too weak to say no. As a punishment for your sin, you're usually left standing out in the cold, fingers growing numb as you try to quickly stuff whatever you bought into your mouth. Jaegyeon more often than not watches in distaste, grateful that your shoddy eating habits aren't dirtying his ride.
However, that has now come to an end. Poor guy, his emotion overrules his sense of logic. All he can see is you cutely munching away, even in the dead of winter and he is completely head over heels.
You now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he likes you.
You take advantage of his soft heart and sit in the warmth of Jaegyeon's car. With each bite of your corn dog, his grip on the steering wheel grows tighter.
When the first crumbs drops, his nostrils flare.
When the second falls, his eyebrows twitch.
And then finally - when a drop of ketchup drips onto the upholstery, you hear a gasp.
You don't know whether it came from you or him.
"Sorry!" You blurt out, immediately trying to clean it with your sweatshirt sleeve.
"STOP! You're just rubbing it in more!"
You whip your head around to stare at Jaegyeon in horror at your misstep.
With tears in his eyes, he swallows down the lump in his throat. "It's fine." He mutters and diverts his gaze back onto the road.
He can't bear to look at you right now.
His grip is white knuckled. To add insult to injury, he thinks he might be leaving nail marks on the steering wheel.
"Sorry," you mumble again and Jaegyeon sighs. All annoyance crumbles at your meek tone.
He peers over and notices you holding your half eaten snack with no intention to finish it. Face flushed pink with embarrassment, your contentment from moments ago completely evaporated and he sighs again.
"Eat it," he grits out with a forced smile. "It's fine," he repeats.
Goddamn. It's absolutely not fine but-
With one more long suffering sigh, Jaegyeon laments how much he really does like you.
You like him too. Probably a lot less than how much he likes his car but definitely a lot more than your corndog.
"Nah," you pat his knee and feel him jerk in surprise at your touch. The car veers wildly for a split second. "I'll finish it later."
Jaegyeon arches an eyebrow as if to say: Oh? That's very unlike you.
"I’ll eat it when I'm out of your car," you explain, then add "You're cute when you're trying to be nice."
"I'm not nice," he huffs though a smirk teases at his lips.
Knowing his car is finally safe from your greasy treat, his grip loosens, his jaw unclenches and his shoulders relax.
His whole body breathes a sigh of relief and his affection for you grows.
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saphushia · 2 years ago
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workin out some older!everlasting trio designs (technically dcdp as in it's how i imagine them in the crossover setting) and also control freaks doodling bc i fuckin love that episode <3
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kawareo · 5 months ago
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Real Coughing Baby vs Hydrogen Bomb situation
New chapter of Godsbound is out!
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davidtennan-t · 7 months ago
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“I don’t look half bad - if I do say so myself, old man.”
Ten meeting Fourteen 🤎
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